LiquidPress e-ditions:
Corporeal Archive:
The ‘Corporeal Archive’ will develop a flexible digital
(online) tool for a diverse community of performance researchers to have
comprehensive access to all the documentation produced throughout the
creation, rehearsal and performance of William Forsythe’s “The
Loss of Small Detail” (a 1 hour and 50 minute choreography premiered
May 1991 with music by Thom Willems and costumes by Issey Miyake).
With the Laban Centre and Performance Research/ LiquidPress: Ric Allsopp,
Scott deLahunta, Mike Phillips, Valerie Preston-Dunlop, Forsythe Foundation/
Ballet Frankfurt: Bill Forsythe, Rebecca Groves, Ana Roman.
Constellation Columbia:
‘Constellation Columbia’ (above with nicola Triscott
from Arts Catalyst), prototype monument for ‘Dead Astronauts/ Cosmonauts’,
was included last years zero gravity Parabolic flights from the Gagarin
Cosmonaut Training Centre, Russia. The work was commissioned by The Arts
Catalyst as part of the MIR Campaign 2003 at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training
Centre, Russia. ‘Constellation Columbia’ is an autonomous
space monument inspired by the writing s of J.G. Ballard. The scale/model/prototype
seen on the Culture Show incorporated simple audio/radio recording and
transmission, gyroscopes, gravity switches and light sequencers. The work
is being developed for inclusion in future zero gravity flights with the
aspiration for a full scale release from the International Space Station.
Courtesy of The Arts Catalyst. Video: Marko Peljhan. MIR Campaign 2003,
Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre, Russia. MIR Campaign 2003 supported
by the European Commission Culture 2000 Fund.

The LiquidPress will be delivering a range of new media activities
to the BroadBand 4 Devon project. These will include:
• workshops and surgeries to support the construction of new media
• tools and solutions for generating, managing and distributing
new media content,
• the construction of specific content to support other areas of
the project (such as, dynamic data representations etc)
• new media ‘publications’ and ‘broadcasts’
(such as streaming webcasts and digital documents).
This content will include material for entertainment, edutainment, information
visualisation and architecture, ‘e-learning’ environments
and online community support.
Funding from the European Union's Objective 2 programme, the South West
Regional Development Agency and Partners, means Broadband4Devon can provide
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) advice and guidance to
businesses in rural Devon , together with subsidies to encourage connection
and development.

Choreocog is the documentation website for Choreography and Cognition,
a joint research project initiated by arts researcher Scott deLahunta
and choreographer Wayne McGregor to engage practitioners from the field
of cognitive science in seeking connections between creativity, choreography
and the scientific study of movement and the mind.
Liquid Reader v2.1:
The DVD supplement and the Liquid Reader™ interface (Version
2.1 for MAC OSX/Windows) were jointly developed by i-DAT/Liquid Press,
Performance Research e- Publications and DeMo, and were designed and mastered
by Adam Crowe, Mike Phillips and Joe Phillips. This ‘On Civility’
DVD supplements Performance Research Vol.9, No.4 ‘On Civility’
(2004) ISSN 1352-8165 / ISBN 0-415-34737-8
Liquid Reader v1.1:
Liquid Reader(tm) v1.1. DVD Suppliment. Jointly developed by
i-DAT/ Liquid Press, Performance Research e-Publications and DeMo. Liquid
Reader(tm) v1.1 produced by the Liquid Press, an i-DAT (Institute of Digital
Art & Technology) research project. 'On the Page' DVD supplements
Performance Research Vol.9, No.2 'On the Page' (2004) issn 1352-8165.
Arch-OS CD:

Limited edition Arch-OS CD-ROM: Arch-OS v1.1 [Architecture Operating Systems]
Software for Buildings... Produced for the opening of the Portland Square
Arch-OS installation, this limited edition interactive demonstrator is
available to individuals or organisations interested in the project...
only while stocks last.
I-BEAM is an ongoing project, which develops unique fonts drawn
from different disciplines of creative processes. To date architects,
dancers and a group of dyslexic children have produced Ibeam fonts which
are available to download from the internet or on limited edition CD-ROM.
"artefacts can change their meaning not just over the years as different
histriographical and institutional currents pick them out and transform
their significance, but from day to day as different people view them
and subject them to their own interpretation."1
The 'Artefact' Project takes this fluidity as its starting point. The
Artefact and its interpretation panel slowly evolve as visitors to the
website play with it and reinterpret its meaning. At the core of the Artefact
Project is a 3D database drawn from the V&A Collection. For the duration
of the show the 'Artefact' evolves through a generative breeding of this
'genetic' information. At some point in its evolution the 'Artefact' will
become the collection. 'Artefact' is a MODEL project... May16th - June
9th 2002
1: Saumarez Smith, C. The New Museology. Reaktion Books Ltd, London, 1989.
Performance Research CD:
research e-publication: Volume 6 (2001), Navigations CD-ROM curated by
Ric Allsopp & David Williams in partnership with Christine Peters
(Künstlerhaus Mousonturm) published with Navigations - PR Vol.6,
No.3 (Winter 2001). Production / Programming: Chris Speed / George Grinstead
/ Guy Nesfield.
V01D represents an opportunity to piece together a particular perspective
upon a complex emerging field through an exhibition and publication. The
show and book will support an aspect of the RIBA Architecture week that
might otherwise be dominated by traditional forms of building and architectural
output. The book v01d, edited by chris speed and george grinsted, contains
work by: fiona bailey (uk), stephen perrella (us), general lighting and
power (uk), iain borden (uk), peter anders (us), chris speed (uk), mike
phillips (uk), digital skin (uk), limbomedia (uk)
Auto-Illustrator 1.1:
By Ade Ward works as a software artist, developing interactive
generative visual and audio applications. Concerned primarily with issues
of authorship and programming, he is engaged with a number of projects
that set out to produce a subtle change in the way people interact with
new technology. Auto-Illustrator is a generative vector graphic application
that parodies commercial applications and has some additional auto-generative
functions. For Generator (
An exhibition organised by Spacex & STAR, with support from the Institute
of Digital Art & Technology and the Arts Council of England
Spacex Gallery, 1 May - 22 June 2002.
Spacex at the Liverpool Biennial, 14 - 29 September 2002. Firstsite, Colchester,
8 February - 29 March 2003), this work will be published, for the first
time, as a boxed CD-Rom.
Applause SouthWest:
Applause South West is a digital exploration of theatre past
and present in Plymouth and the surrounding area. Applause southwest has
been funded with the support of a grant from the New Opportunities Fund,
a National Lottery good cause distributor, through the Fund's Digitise
S.T.I. was funded by the SciArt programme (supported by the ACE, the
British Council, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, SAC, the Wellcome
Trust and NESTA)., and turns the technologies that look to deep space
for Alien Intelligence back onto Planet Earth in a quest for 'evidence'
of Terrestrial Intelligence. Looking at Earth from space the project will
develop processing techniques using autonomous computer software agents.
S.T.I. moves beyond irony by engaging with our understanding of the 'real
world' through our senses, whether real or artificially enhanced. Will
these autonomous systems 'know' the 'truth' when they 'see' it? The S.T.I.
STAR, Dr Guido Bugmann, Dr Angelo Cangelosi, Laurent Mignonneau, Christa
Sommerer, Dr Nick Veck.
The Spectactor Project explores the spaces and places generated across
a series of satellite transmissions and single-user VRML environments,
and attempts to locate them within an appropriate context in order that
they may be better articulated and understood. These technologies have
for some time been at the heart of an integrated internet/publishing/broadcasting
experiment called Mediaspace, the Spectactor project builds on the experiences
and experiments.
With STAR, i-DAT, DA2 & Limbomedia.
Autoicon is a dynamic internet work and CD-ROM that simulates both the
physical presence and elements of the creative personality of the artist
Donald Rodney who died from sickle-cell anaemia. The project builds on
Donald Rodney’s artistic practice in his later years, when he increasingly
began to delegate key roles in the organisation and production of his
artwork. Making reference to this working process, AUTOICON is developed
by a close group of friends and artists (his partner Diane Symons, Eddie
Chambers, Richard Hylton, Virginia Nimarkoh, and Keith Piper) (ironically
described as 'Donald Rodney plc') who have acted as an advisory and editorial
board in the artist’s absence, and who specified the rules by which
the 'automated’ aspects of the project operate.
The intent of 'MEDIASPACE', whether in its 'dead' paper-based form, or
the 'live' digital forms of satellite and internet, is to explore the
implications of new media forms and emergent fields of digital practice
in art and design. 'MEDIASPACEÍ is an experimental publishing project
that explores the integration of print ('MEDIASPACE' is published as part
of the CADE (Computers in Art and Design Education) journal Digital Creativity
by SWETS & ZEITLINGER.), WWW and interactive satellite transmissions
('MEDIASPACE' interactive satellite transmissions were funded by the European
Space Agency (ESA), the British National Space Centre (BNSC), and WIRE
(Why ISDN Resources in Education) and use Olympus, EUTELSAT and INTELSAT
satellites via a TDS-4b satellite uplink. (incorporating live studio broadcasts,
ISDN based video conferencing, and asynchronous email/ISDN tutorials).
See 'repro...' section for PDF versions of the publications.
Tony Blair cast:
Webcast for the Prime Minister Tony Blair. 3 February 2000.
Hello Bonjour:
Visio Conference: 13e Expolongues Salon International des langues.
28 janvier 1er fevrier 95, Grande Halle de la Villete Paris. Early isdn
video conference to the Expolongues conference in Paris with the French
Minister of Education. Sponsored by Apple UK and Apple France.
Humming of Strings:
The “Humming of Strings” uses the distance (23000 mile) between
the satellite UpLink (ESA TDS 4 based @ Plymouth University) and the Satellite,
and back again, (INTELSAT or EUTELSAT) to generate a quarter of a second
delay in the transmission and reception of the video signal. In effect
this creates a 46,000 mile echo chamber.