Innovation at the intersection of Arts, Sciences and Technology
1-2 DECEMBER 2015
European Parliament and Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts Brussels, Belgium.
‘I think that more and more we all understand that innovation in the future will be on the intersection of arts and sciences.‘
(video) Commissioner Carlos Moedas
‘Artistic creativity and critical thinking are essential for innovation in today’s digital world. Already, highly innovative companies like Mercedes thrive on a strong link between artists and their engineers…The EU will support [such] multidisciplinary themes in H2020…’
Commissioner Günther Oettinger
i-DAT is taking part in the ‘Innovation at the intersection of Arts, Sciences and Technology’ event which will focus on innovation through crossovers from culture, in particular artistic practices, to innovation in technology, society, business and regional development. It will cover policy aspects as well as successful examples of crossovers from culture to industry and regional development. Artists will also contribute with their views.
The meeting is organised on invitation by Members of European Parliament from the Committees on Culture and Education (CULT) and Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE). The event will link directly regionally-embedded actors across Europe from private and public sectors.