Adam Russel joins SWCTN Automation Prototype Grant

i-DAT’s Adam Russell joins SWCTN Prototype Grant: AIM (Agroecological Information Model)

AIM is a prototype intelligent software tool for automating the design and ongoing management of human-scale agroe-cological food systems.

Agroecological systems (permaculture, forest gardening and other types of perennial horticulture) utilise plant and insect polycultures to generate biodiversity and soil fertility alongside the production of human food. Agroecology suits the creation of ‘edible urban landscapes’ and ‘food forests’. In conjunction with other forms of urban growing, edible urban landscaping can reduce food miles and a city’s overall carbon footprint as well as improve urban food sovereignty.


We are looking to invest in prototypes that use creative technologies to deliver original immersive processes, experiences, products or services. The making phase will run through April, May, June with showcasing at the end of June 2019. We anticipate awarding grants of between £20k and £40k.