Digital Twinning of Lanhydrock House

Digital twinning of a heritage plasterwork ceiling at Lanhydrock House represents a significant part of the West Country’s artistic heritage in the 17th century.

Pete Quinn Davis is 3D scanning and fabricating an elaborate ceiling made in the 17th century in Cornwall collaborating with the National Trust. Plaster ceilings and mantelpieces were key in communicating complex views on religion, society, family, gender, and the environment. The Genesis cycle in the Long Gallery at Lanhydrock House, with its 36 large narrative scenes on a 116 feet long and 20 feet wide barrel vault, has always been recognized as the centrepiece of this tradition. The National Trust is embarking on the restoration and repair of the ceiling and has partnered with the University of Plymouth to document and interpret the intricate narrative designs. The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) is supporting the project with a Curiosity Award.



Project Team:

Dr Péter Bokody

Associate Professor of Art History
School of Society and Culture (Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business)

Pete Quinn Davis

Associate Head of School – International
School of Art, Design and Architecture (Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business)