
WebJaying Think of WebJaying like DJing or VJing, but for the internet. DJs mix songs, VJs combine visuals, and WebJays curate and remix multimedia from the web—videos, sounds, text, and more—to create new experiences. In this sense, they’re all just different kinds of curators, selecting

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3. For this next stage, we’re going to play some of these sounds together, mix, manipulate, transform, and even spatialise them, to find interesting combinations. If we find something good, we can record it using the ambisonic microphone – and I can edit all the

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2. How would you describe space? For example, what adjectives might you use? You can think of these words as aesthetic qualities, characteristics that we could we use to represent space. Big, low, slow, grand, rumbling, dark, infinite, silent, depth, oceans, air, atmospheres, contrasts, light,

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1. In groups, spend 10 minutes thinking of as many audio source materials that conjure up ideas about space – quotes, music, “wild track”, sound effects… Can you find these online? We’ll hear back from each group about their ideas; and have a listen to,

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Resources Here are some resources related to project: Sound Sources for Workshop Hotwire Looper. Made in Cycling 74’s MaxMSP Cosmic Background Radiation Sound of the Big Bang Carl Sagen – Pale Blue Dot The Flight of Apollo 11 Powers of 10 by Ray and Charles Eames.

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Instructional Scores Section of Waterwalk by John Cage   In music composition, ‘scores’ have been used to tell musicians what to play, and how to play it, for centuries. Scores tend to be made up of ‘staves’, which show notes and note lengths, and sometimes

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Musica Universalis

Musica Universalis – Music of the Spheres Originating in greek philosophy, the “music of the spheres” (or musica universalis) comes is a belief that the movements of celestial bodies like the Sun, Moon, and planets create a form of harmony or music—though not one we

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Gustav Holst (1874-1934) was a famous English composer, best known for his epic orchestral suite The Planets, written between 1914 and 1917.   The Planets This seven-movement orchestral suite is a musical depiction of astrological character traits associated with the planets of the Solar System (excluding Earth

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Hotwire x Holst

Hotwire x Holst

Hotwire x Holst Wednesday 4th December 2024 Hotwire~ is an Open Research Lab for playful experimentation with creative technology set up by Andrew Prior and David Strang. There are hotwire nodes in Plymouth, UK and Suzhou, China. We have performed, run workshops, and created installations

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Organised Sound In using the term ‘sound’ instead of music, we’re following the lead of composer Edgard Varese, who called his own music “organized sound.” This side-steps all the conventional requirements of music: to follow certain rhythms, meters, scales, structures and instrumentation. Varese explained: “Indeed,

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