"Have Dome Will Travel"


18/12/07: Pete Carss (i-DAT PhD & chief Dome RA), Professor Neil James (Dean of the Faculty of Technology) & Mike Phillips (i-DAT) magically transport a 5 meter inflatable Go-Dome and peripherals all the way to Cluny in Saone-et-Loire, France. The team presented a dome corrected 3D model of the Cluny Abby at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, Centre de Enseignement et de Recherche de Cluny. The 3D model, developed by Christian Pare and his team for high resolution stereoscopic, immersive and interactive viewing, was supplied for experimentation within dome environments. The team latter visited the Institut Image in Chalon sur Saone as guests of Christian Pare for a tour of their cutting edge Cave and force feedback systems.