

10/2007: Built to communicate the Centre for Sustainable Futures (CSF) CETL (Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning) agenda and sustainable information about life at the University of Plymouth the ‘Green Screen’ has been installed. This large scale LED matrix fill the top 3 floors

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Green Screen Installation

Green Screen Installation

Built to communicate the Centre for Sustainable Futures (CSF) CETL (Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning) agenda and sustainable information about life at the University of Plymouth the ‘Green Screen’ has been installed. This large scale LED matrix fill the top 3 floors of

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Digital Media Developer: Research vacancy

Digital Media Developer: Research vacancy

REF: A0228. (03/06/2007) Salary £20437 to £23692 pa, Grade 5. Plymouth. A Research Assistant is required to work for a period of six months within i-DAT to develop software to support the display of information and graphics to interpretation screens across the campus and over

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