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LiquidPress Resources

LiquidPress can provide project collaborators and workshop participants access to the following hardware/software resources:

Streaming Media/Web Servers:
  • A Pentium 4 commercial server with Debian/Linux. This is based in London and has significant streaming capabilities.
  • A G5 PowerMac dual processor OSX Darwin dedicated Quicktime Streaming Server.
  • A Windows 2003 Enterprise Streaming Server.
  • A further dual processor G5 'X2' server for static and dynamic web content.

  • The Liquid Press Softlab facility is available and 3 Digital Media Studios comprising an additional 57 dual processor G5 workstations and top-end Windows based PC's.

    LiquidPress has access to a range of media accessories including DV cameras, still digital cameras and sound equipment.

    All Apple/Windows-based workstations have a full range of the latest industry standard digital media software including:

  • Macromedia Dreamweaver/Fireworks/Flash/Freehand/Director.
  • The Adobe Creative Suite. (Photoshop CS/Illustrator CS/InDesign CS/GoLive CS).

  • Also available is the latest Streaming technologies for OSX/Windows including a fully functioning Flash Communication Server for live video/audio/chat conferencing.

    The LiquidPress Softlab also benefits from a presentation web-casting room with interactive white-board, video projection etc. �

    photos of liquid press resources