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LiquidPress can help with new media issues and problems you may have with workshop content. LiquidPress can also help with advice and guidance for the projects you are working on.

Usually, questions about dates, times and content of forthcoming and ongoing projects/workshops can be answered by looking through the pages of this site. For technical issues or other problems please use the community page to access the blog where you can interact with other BB4D users.

'How-To' Guides

If there is one particular technical issue or media problem that crops up frequently, we will endeavour to publish a short 'How-To' guide on this site to answer your questions. These guides will usually cover digital production processes and further explanation of material covered in workshop sessions.

Media Resources

This page will be updated with useful web-links and publications to help you with common media issues and more specific relevant issues. They will help you get the most out of broadband.

Other Issues

If there are any other problems that can't be solved by using the resources on this site then follow this link to go to the contact page where you can get hold of LiquidPress staff directly.

Use the links below to access the resources and contact page.

'How-To' Guides.

Media Resources.

Contact Page.