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Workshop 4, An introduction to DV.


The DV (Digital Video) format boasts the benefits of digital technology, including high picture and audio quality, the ability to make perfect copies without losing quality, and the potential to edit and share video material on your computer. Technologies previously available only to professional film makers are now available to the consumer market. Whether you are wanting to make a short animation, a live advert or a streaming broadcast from your home or workplace, DV is now easier than ever to exploit for many purposes. Professional looking film shorts and adverts are now possible for those with no previous experience of film-making and have the potential to raise your profile.


The workshop will be taught at two levels; beginner and intermediate. The beginner level looks at the basics of DV and will introduce participants to basic DV Camera use. It will familiarise participants with basic video editing in iMovie/Quicktime and final publishing. It will introduce participants to codecs and compression techniques. The intermediate workshop will look at more complex techniques using Final Cut Pro, an industry standard DV production suite.

These workshops are oriented around individual needs and web design requirements. The workshops are focused on solving production problems and participants may therefore like to bring their own material to work with. Advice will be given concerning the application of the skills learnt on the workshop to individual professional practice.


Beginner Level: DV Basics, camera use and DV editing.
Topics include:

> What is DV?
> How do I use a digital video camera?
> How do I shoot good video?
> How do I get the video on to a computer?
> Size and PC speed limitations.
> How can I easily edit video?
> How can I get video on to a DVD or CD-ROM?

Intermediate Level: Using Final Cut Pro.
Topics include:

> Importing from different media.
> Creating and managing projects.
> Basic editing techniques.
> Creating voice-overs. (Dislocating audio/video)
> Outputting video for different media.

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