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i-DAT’s Core Research Themes are:

Cultural Computation: audience behaviours, environments, ‘things’ and Artificial Intelligence.

Digital Heritâge: recognises that history is a pile of debris, some of which is digital or can be transfigured through digital processes.

Behaviourables & Futuribles: the Internet of Things, remote sensors, robotics, Props & Wearables –  (everywareables?).
Interactive & Immersive Environments: The digital Umwelt  – new experiences in enhanced physical, augmented & virtual spaces.
Ludic Systems: Playful subversion – real-time social gaming and playful soft-hard-ware.

Postgraduate Research

i-DAT’s research themes & projects provide a rich context for {F/T| P/T, local | remote} research students, from a variety of disciplines, who can engage with these initiatives and build research activity grounded in their creative practice… 
i-DAT nurtures a vibrant, networked, transdisciplinary research community...
... it is entangled with an international network of researchers, practitioners, communities, projects, and symposia...
... is frequently infiltrated by professional digital artists and designers...
.. and equally infectious to real-world interdisciplinary projects and collaborations.
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Current Research Sessions for the i-DAT community. Schedules are managed by Rachel Horrell and Lana Pericic.
i-DAT operates as a dynamic tensegrity of research, making, play, teaching and learning {not necessarily in that order}:
Happy Birthday b-DAT: MLA/DATXXX - Market Hall, PL1 4PS / 18:00 - 18/11/22... / 31yrs / 1625.86 wks / 11381 dys / 273144 hrs / 16388640 mins / 983318400 secs / & counting…
i-DAT’s origin story begins with the infamous BA/BSc Media Lab Arts (1992), and its DNA is now manifest in: BA/BSc (Hons) Digital Media Design & BA (Hons) Game Arts and Design ...
MA Experience Design (New 2023) immersion, interaction and storytelling (MSc Digital Futures (2000) & MRes Digital Art and Technology) + MA Game Design for new ludic experiences.

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