
The fonts were developed by students and staff from Looe Community School, who have been assessed as being dyslexic or shows dyslexic traits. The fonts were developed as part of the dyslexier.org project by Looe Community School in conjunction with the IBeam project, created by Plymouth Arts Centre and the Institute of Digital Art and Technology. The students also developed the www.dyslexier.org website to reveal their experiences of being Dyslexic.

Further Font editions include:

IBeam Dancers Font:

Title: CandoCoConcept: Sue Smith / Designer: Chris Speed

Title: Ransom Concept: Lone Twin / Designer: Matt Bilson, Richard Boyd, Ian Hutchison

Title: Attik: Concept: Sarah Cobley, Lois Taylor / Artist: Sam Spake / Designer: Richard Boyd

Title: Venom Condensed: Concept: Tim Etchells (Forced Entertainment) Designer: Gavin Mackintosh

Title: Figures: Concept: Rosemary Lee / Designer: Chris O’Shea

Title: Pretext: Concept: Blast Theory / Designer: George Grinsted

Title: Bird Song: Concept: Siobhan Davies / Typist: Alison Proctor / Designer: Matt Bilson

IBeam Architects Font:

Concept: Will Alsop Designer: Chris Speed

Concept: Wayne Hemingway Designer: George Grinsted

Concept: Form Design Group Designer: Form Design Group

Concept: Future Systems Designer: John O’Mara

Concept: dRMM Designer: Michael Spooner

Concept: Feilden Clegg Bradley Designer: Feilden Clegg Bradley

Concept: Stephen Perrella Designer: George Grinsted

Concept: Neal Huston Designer: Neal Huston

The original HTML website can be found here: https://i-dat.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/oldi-DATprojects/ibeam/index.html
