(11/12/2006) 11 December 2006. launch concert at The Unicorn Theatre, 147 Tooley Road, London SE1. Featuring children from Richard House Hospice, London, Island Hospice, Zimbabwe and a choir from St Gabriel’s Primary School, London SW1. With support from professional musicians including DJ, MK, Ricky Rankin and Theo Gordon.

i-DAT has produced for Rosetta Life. is a new web 2.0 online music composition, recording and archiving site that enables marginalised young people with terminal illness to make music and upload it to a website where others can share the pool of sounds and add to it. Musical workshops lead by top professional musicians are taking place at children’s hospices in South Africa, Zimbabwe and the UK. Leading musicians including Sandi Thom, Karine Polwart and Ricky Rankin have agreed to lend their skills to making the top tracks as successful as possible. By July 2008, aims to reach more than 6,000 children and young people in hospices and hospitals, as well as involving 12,000 online users from a wider public audience including primary and secondary schools.