ix Symposium Delegation 2019.
https://ix.sat.qc.ca/ at http://sat.qc.ca/
More and more collective and individual technologies are emerging and become new fields of exploration for artists. iX 2019 will give you the opportunity to experience the latest iterations of these immersive technologies whose thrust is further accelerated by advances in sensory enhancement, artificial intelligence, immersive computing and cloud computing that, together, radically transform the world that we know. The 2019 Symposium Formula will allow participants and stakeholders to reflect, experiment and play together these exciting new spaces of creation that immersive creation technologies offer.
The Delegation (in no particular order):
Mena Fombo:
Founder & Director, Black Girl Convention. -.-. — -. …- . -. – .. — -.

2007: SAT and Hexagram Host the Planetary Collegium Summit in Montreal. Pre-Satosphere but littered with small fulldome, immersive spaces and instruments, SOCIÉTÉ DES ARTS TECHNOLOGIQUES partnered with Hexagram to host the Planetary Collegium Summit in Montreal. This brought together research nodes in Milan, Zurich and Plymouth for a conference and PhD Composite Session. Planetary_Collegium

2014: E / M / D / L formed a partnership of European and Canadian cultural organizations fostering an international community of artists/researchers dedicated to exploring the full-dome environment as a platform for creative innovation. The partnership consisted of University of Applied Arts Vienna, i-DAT (Institute of Digital Art and Technology), Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau, Laboratory of New Technologies in Communication, Education and the Mass Media (UoA NTLab) and Society for Arts and Technology [SAT], kondition pluriel and LANTISS. Funded by € 400k by the EU Culture Programme. Strand 1.3.5, Cultural Cooperation Projects with Third Countries. emdl.eu

2015: E/M/D/L presents: Liminal Spaces, Dream Collider, and Murmuration, the culmination of a EU funded collaboration between Canadian and European partners. This research project was carried out through eight international residencies and is presented in the Satosphere of Montreal’s Society for Arts and Technology (SAT). Articulated through the fulldome environment as an instrument to explore transdisciplinary forms of artistic expression, these experiments oscillate between performance, interactive installation and immersive event. i-dat.org/murmuration/

2016: FULLDOME UK: SAT partner and perform at FULLDOME UK 2016 in the National Space Centre. I-DAT is a founding partner of FULLDOME UK with the first event taking place in Plymouth at the Immersive Vision Theatre. FULLDOME UK is a not-for-profit association supporting artists and researchers working within Fulldome immersive environments. It organises events with the goal to promote Fulldome as an artistic medium in its own right, and as a platform for research into data visualisation, group collaboration and the effects of immersive environments on our perceptual and cognitive processes. fulldome.org.uk

2017: Market Hall FullDome: The £7 million redevelopment of RIO ‘s Market Hall in Devonport, Plymouth will see the transformation of the derelict Grade II listed building into a cutting-edge space for digital skills, research, learning and entertainment. The former Market Hall will accommodate flexible work space, events and exhibition space, a café, bar and restaurant. Housed in the new extension will be an impressive 15m immersive dome theatre which will offer a large scale shared virtual reality environment – the first of its kind in Europe and inspired by the Satopshere. themarkethall.co.uk
Background to the delegation: Arts Council England Arts & Technology Priority: ix Symposium Delegation / i-DAT – 58437244
Proposition: To raise the profile of the SW as a world leader in arts technology, i-DAT will lead a delegation of SW creatives, curators and commissioners to attend IX Symposium in Montreal.
The aim of the delegation will be to bring these future leaders together to be inspired, gather intelligence and broker relationships between each other and international partners. The theme of the delegation is ‘immersion: digital immersive cultural experiences’ (DICE).
This ties in with the Market Hall, Plymouth developments as it develops a state of the art immersive dome, due to be the biggest in Europe. It builds on the success of the South West Creative Technology Network (SWCTN) Immersion Fellowships (swctn.org.uk).
These initiatives have established an urgent need for content, talent and audiences to be developed to ensure future success within the South West in this emergent field.
i-DAT and ACE are concerned with how the artistic idea or cultural experience drives innovative approaches in DICE.
Why Montreal: The interdisciplinary (arts, science & tech) sector in Montreal is the world leader in DICE. This is partly due to the strong investment in cinema and its evolution into new digital forms. This led to the development of a strong interdisciplinary clusters.
SAT (Society of Arts & Technology) is a physical space at the heart of this cluster which hosts a number of full domes (360 degree spaces which use projections to immerse audiences into creative content) and immersive technologies.
SAT will host iX Symposium which attracts international delegates to experience, debate and broker new partnerships to explore the opportunities in DICE.
SAT has a number of existing links with the South West region, such as FULLDOME UK, the E/M/D/L project and the inspirational blueprint for the Market Hall Fulldome installation (the Plymosphere?) (see above).
Criteria for Delegates: The criteria for selection include:
- Quality of the delegates practice in ‘immersion: digital immersive cultural experiences’, including track record.
- Interdisciplinary approach in understanding the technology as well as driving the creative idea.
- Contribution to raising the profile of the SW with past and current projects and future ambitions.
- Commitment to the dates, expenses, networking and sharing the learning after the trip.
- Diversity across PCG & areas along with roles such as curator, commissioner & creative.
There will be a proactive approach to address the diversity imbalance in the digital sector.
The ix Symposium Delegation 2019 is funded by the Arts Council England in partnership with the i-DAT, SOCIÉTÉ DES ARTS TECHNOLOGIQUES, South West Creative Art and Technology Network, University of Plymouth.
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