i-DAT launched OP-SY.com – a central repository for its Operating Systems on the 27/11/2010. Nearly 10 years later it is archiving these projects as they have evolved into the Quorum Programme. This website used to be www.eco-os.org and part of the OP-SY Programme.
Dome-OS has been folded into the Immersive Vision Theatre. A new System Diagram can be found on this page: https://i-dat.org/ivt/
Dome-OS System Projects Information
i-DAT is developing a range of ‘Operating Systems’ to dynamically manifest ‘data’ as experience in order to enhance perspectives on a complex world. The Operating Systems project explores data as an abstract and invisible material that generates a dynamic mirror image of our biological, ecological and social activities.
At the core of these developments is the Immersive Vision Theatre, a transdisciplinary instrument for the manifestation of material, immaterial and imaginary worlds. The ‘Full Dome’ architecture houses two powerful high-resolution (fish-eye) projectors and a spatialised audio system.
A number of initiatives are being investigated to enable the rendering of real-world data into forms suitable for projection into immersive domed environments. Dome-OS preoccupation is with real-time, real-world data feeds and visualise these in a suitable manner for projection in a dome. Even as new game engine technologies open up opportunities for dome environments, the problem presents a series of complex challenges across multiple domains.
I: Dome-OS is designed to access live and recorded feeds from all of the above Operating Systems and data from a variety of disciplines, ranging from Psychology, medial, entomological to Earth Sciences.
O: Through the use of data feeds, 3D modelling software, game engines and physical sensors Dome-OS provides high resolution visualisations and sonifications for FullDome environments.
The system has been developed for single fish eye projector FullDomes, such as the Immersive Vision Theatre and i-DAT’s inflatable domes. It can be used in multi-projector scenarios fitted with real-time inputs.
1: IVT / 2: IVT digram / 3: IVT screen / 4: 3.5 meter .5 inflatable dome (Elumenati pressurised half dome) / 5: 5 meter GoDome. Inflatable.
Murmuration View Project
Fly-Thru View Project
Data-Scape View Project
Dome-OS is a component of the i-DAT Operating Systems project is managed by the Institute of Digital Art & Technology, and produced by members of the Centre for Media Art & Design Research, in collaboration with members of the School of Computing & Mathematics, Plymouth University.
Dome-OS development team:
- B Aga, Director of Operations, i-DAT
baga@plymouth.ac.uk - Mike Blow, Artistic Produce, i-DAT
michael.blow@plymouth.ac.uk - Pete Carss: Research Assistant in Immersive Vision, i-DAT.
peter.carss@plymouth.ac.uk - Luke Christison, Research Assistant in Immersive Vision, i-DAT
luke.christison@postgrad.plymouth.ac.uk - Gianni Corino, Creative Producer, i-DAT
gianni.corino@plymouth.ac.uk - Stavros Didakis, Research Assistant, i-DAT
stavros.didalis@plymouth.ac.uk - Chris Hunt, Research Assistant, i-DAT
christopher.hunt@plymouth.ac.uk - Dr Simon Lock, Technical Producer, i-DAT
simon.lock@plymouth.ac.uk - Dawn Melville, Director of Operations, i-DAT
dawn.melville@plymouth.ac.uk - Lee Nutbean: Research Assistant in i-DAT
lnutbean@hotmail.co.uk - Mike Phillips, Director of Research, i-DAT and Operating Systems Project Manager.
Project partners
- FullDome UK
http://www.fulldome.org.uk/ - GaiaNova
http://www.gaianova.co.uk/index.php - kondition pluriel
http://www.konditionpluriel.org/ - Les Productions Recto-Verso Québec Inc.
http://www.mmrectoverso.org/en/ - North Devon Biosphere Reserve
http://www.northdevonbiosphere.org.uk/ - NTLab – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
http://www2.media.uoa.gr/ - SOCIÉTÉ DES ARTS TECHNOLOGIQUES [SAT] http://sat.qc.ca/
- Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau
http://t-m-a.de/tma/uber-die-tma/ - University of Applied Arts Vienna
http://www.dieangewandte.at - Université Laval, multidisciplinary research lab
http://www.takuvik.ulaval.ca/host/host.php - The Elumenati
i-DAT’s Operating Systems have been developed in collaboration with:
Dome-OS has been folded into the Immersive Vision Theatre. A new System Diagram can be found on this page: https://i-dat.org/ivt/
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