i-DAT created the FLUX Festival app with Elixel for the Festival which launched in Liverpool in July 2014. The app is powered by i-DAT’s on-going open source Qualia project – which aims to revolutionize the way audience experiences at arts and culture events are evaluated.

This Festival is “A pioneering arts festival engineered by young people”, featuring multi-arts performances and events online and across the city, incorporating gaming, visual arts, literature, film and music.
We built an app for Festival-goers that enabled young people to navigate the festival, whilst also collecting and analysing data in real-time from the festival. The app’s technical development has included insights and suggestions gathered after a workshop with young ambassadors for the event and explores how you incentivise a younger audience to download and engage with an app of this nature.
The Flux app: everything you need to know about Flux Liverpool in the palm of your hand – and it’s free! This app is your interactive portal to the Flux Festival, allowing you to view the festival calendar bursting full of events and build your own bespoke ‘Schedule’.
Most excitingly we’ve developed a series of Flux Missions – should you choose to accept. Collect FluxBux for completing fun activities and if you manage to secure the highest number of FluxBux, you win the jackpot. This year’s jackpot is our highly coveted Flux Bundle bursting with all the tools you need to enhance your creative powers.
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