Industry Perspectives Towards Notions of Digital Good/Bad

i-DAT’s Dr Dylan Yamada-Rice and George Simms present at the ESRC Digital Good for Kids Network. 10/4/2023

Industry Perspectives Towards Notions of Digital Good/Bad

On Friday 13th October 10:00-12:30 Online we will host a series of talks and discussion to mark the start of our project exploring children’s understanding of digital good / bad. The intentions is to explore topics related to equity, sustainability and resilience:

  • What do children aged 8-13 years consider are the positive and negative aspects of the digital devices that they use?
  • What do kids know about AI?
  • Who do they think are the workers connected to machine learning?.
  • Do children believe digital practices need to change as a result of the climate crisis?
  • What are kids key social concerns and how are their digital lives connected to this?.
  • How would children aged 8-13 wish to change the digital devices they own in the future?

To reserve a spot please email: Dr Dylan Yamada-Rice <>

This is a project funded by the ESRC Digital Good Network to explore children’s attitudes towards notions of digital good/bad through hybrid arts practice.

Who are we?

Dr Dylan Yamada-Rice

Researcher and artist specialising in digital storytelling and play for children. Background in social science research methods and education which is now applied to the context of digital arts and emerging technologies.

Dr Eleanor Dare

Researcher and Artist specialising in critical and creative computation and theorising Human Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence.

Professor Steve Love

Senior Career Researcher specialising in immersive and emerging technologies, with a focus on children. Also, Academic, education and industry partnerships.

Angus Main

Researcher and Artist specialises in physical computing, interaction and interface design, creative coding, electronics and programming.

Professor John Potter

Senior Career Researcher specialising in children’s digital and media literacy education.