January – March 2013
Patrick Laing is developing his Flying Skirt Light Shade at i-DAT for the Watershed’s three month Craft + Technology Residencies, running January to March 2013. Patrick, along with Heidi Hinder and Chloe Meineck, are working with technologists at the Pervasive Media Studio, i-DAT in Plymouth and Autonomatic in Falmouth during the Residencies to explore how new technologies embedded in objects (otherwise known as the Internet of Things) can enable remarkable interactions between people and objects.
The Flying Skirt is a spinning and mouldable light shade, opening out just like skirt when dancing its form can continue to be manipulated just like a ceramic on a potters wheel. The Crafts Council residency with i-DAT at the University of Plymouth and the Pervasive Media Studio at the Watershed will allow me to look at this item as a networked device.
More information on the development of Patrick’s Flying Skirt Light Shade, Chloe Meineck’s Music Memory Box, Heidi Hinder’s Money No Object and the Craft + Tech Residencies 2013
The Residencies are a Watershed commission project in partnership with i-DAT supported by the Crafts Council and funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. Lasting for three months, the residencies will culminate in a showcase event at Watershed on Thursday 28 March 2013