Social Operating System v1

Social Operating System v1

Social Operating System: 8 February – 6 April. i-DAT, in collaboration with Plymouth Arts Centre, presents: “S-OS: a Social Operating System” for the city of Plymouth. S-OS is a collection of creative interventions and strategic manifestations that provides a new and more meaningful ‘algorithm’ for

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Digital Media Workshops for Children & Young People.

Digital Media Workshops for Children & Young People.

i-DAT has developed a programme of digital media workshops for Children and young people through an ongoing collaboration with Creative Partnerships, AimHigher and numerous schools and community organisations. i-DAT is currently engaged with the delivery of Widening Participation workshops (over 1000 participants over the last

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The SwanQuake User Manual is published by Liquid Press/ i-DAT for igloo ( ISBN Number: 978-1-84102-172-0 . SwanQuake is a surreal semi-abstract inhabited world, home to a series of potential encounters. These may be theatrical and dreamlike, sometimes uncanny perhaps even frightening, at times quotidian

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2007 : Noogy 2.0

2007 : Noogy 2.0

VJ’ing on buildings. (14/11/2007) Mix live visuals on the front of a building through using the audio you generate on your mobile phone. i-DAT presents: Noogy 2.0 a large scale interactive installation at the front of the Portland Square building at the University of Plymouth.

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Noogy 2.0

Noogy 2.0

– VJ’ing on buildings. (14/11/2007) Mix live visuals on the front of a building through using the audio you generate on your mobile phone. i-DAT is presenting Noogy 2.0 a large scale interactive installation at the front of the Portland Square building at the University

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(11/12/2006) 11 December 2006. launch concert at The Unicorn Theatre, 147 Tooley Road, London SE1. Featuring children from Richard House Hospice, London, Island Hospice, Zimbabwe and a choir from St Gabriel’s Primary School, London SW1. With support from professional musicians including DJ, MK, Ricky

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AWARDED FURTHER FUNDING. i-DAT’s Infinite Infants project has been awarded further funding from Creative Partnerships to extend the research until 2008. Infinite Infants is a transdisciplinary practice based research project exploring the potential for networked, sustainable ICT resources for children. The research is an inquiry

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Jago Eliot

Jago Eliot

Jago Eliot (24 March 1966 – 15 April 2006). We say goodbye to Jago, a life force and vibrant student and researcher at i-DAT, the pleasure was all ours. After joining the BSc MediaLab Arts programme Jago went on to excel at the MA/MSc Digital

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Exploiting Potential

Exploiting Potential

EXPLOITING POTENTIAL Symposium on Intellectual Property and Digital Production 1st July 2005, L Shed, Industrial Museum, Bristol Harbourside Issues around intellectual property are a key concern for digital artists and designers, revealing a range of tensions between the idealism of work entering the public domain

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The fonts were developed by students and staff from Looe Community School, who have been assessed as being dyslexic or shows dyslexic traits. The fonts were developed as part of the project by Looe Community School in conjunction with the IBeam project, created by

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