Future of Broadcast Media according to Kids

Future of Broadcast Media according to Kids

“Future of Broadcast Media according to Kids” Dr Dylan Yamada-Rice with Dr Eleanor Dare at Magdelene College, University of Cambridge. EAI TIE 2023 – 4th EAI International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Education September 27-28, 2023 Cambridge, Great Britain https://educateinnovate.eai-conferences.org/2023/# Image: Character design by

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Belfast International Arts Festival. 12 October – 5 November. Join the innovative and creative minds of Big Telly for an online interactive and immersive experience performance based on Alfred Hitchcock’s classic 1954 thriller Rear Window. With digital/ physical assets, music and scripts developed through a

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Donald Rodney: Autoicon

Donald Rodney: Autoicon

Donald Rodney: Autoicon An illustrated examination of Donald Rodney’s last work completed posthumously; authored by Richard Birkett Originally produced as both a website and CD-ROM, Donald Rodney’s Autoicon was conceived by the artist in the mid-1990s but not completed until 2000, two years after his death from

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Digital Dervish + Flamenco Sonic: Dream Chamber

Digital Dervish + Flamenco Sonic: Dream Chamber

THEATRE OF DIGITAL ART DUBAI 16 DECEMBER + 17 DECEMBER   Digital Dervish is a multimedia performance work that combines video projection on 12 screens, live performance, and wearable technology. The dancer uses a device as an extension of the body – a musical instrument that can provide layers

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Thijs Mostert

Thijs [Tice] Mostert completed his Masters in Design at the University of Plymouth in 2021. Thijs has come from a healthcare background, working in secondary and primary care settings across the South West for over 10 years. He has special interest sustainability and the circular

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Symposium “The art and design of XR”

Symposium “The art and design of XR”

Symposium “The art and design of XR” ERASMUS XR Multiplier Event Christiana Kazakou presents Narrative Research as Practice: A Methodology of Curating in the Thematic Area: Cinematic Virtual Reality – Immersive Cinematography, 12:20 – 14:00. https://www.onassis.org/whats-on/symposium-the-art-and-design-of-xr The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in collaboration

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Design Informatics Webinar

Design Informatics Webinar

DI WEBINAR – INDUSTRYTHURSDAY TALK Mike Phillips presents: The thing’s hollow it goes on forever and oh my God it’s full of stars!* Fulldome is a place “where all the different kinds of truths fit together” (Vonnegut, 2006, p7). Its ability to break down disciplinary

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Ludic-Architectures is a Virtual Summer School project funded by the British Council’s UK-China Outward Mobility Internationalisation Partnership Fund, developed in response to international COVID-19 restrictions. Ludic-Architectures pdf flyer here. The project builds on the foundation of a rich history of virtual collaboration, digital architectures and

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