FulldomeUK 2014 winners

FulldomeUK 2014 winners

The winners of FulldomeUK 2014 have been announced. FulldomeUK is a festival of fulldome art that we co-founded and that we help to run. This took place late last year, and the winners – the people at the cutting edge of the cutting edge of media

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Fulldome UK 2014 success

Fulldome UK 2014 success

A festival of dome media co-founded by i-DAT and staged earlier this month was a resounding success – but there’s work to do to further the medium, according to Professor Mike Phillips. Fulldome UK took place at the National Space Centre in Leicester on November

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FULLDOME UK supports the development and exhibition of ‘Fulldome art’, an emergent art form that embraces digital technologies and powerful immersive environments to push the boundaries of artistic practice. It exhibits ‘Fulldome’ productions byUK and International artists and facilitate a global network, connecting, supporting, developing

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