Bill Seaman

  generative installation | sample video/audio output from real-time engine (32:9 aspect ratio for two screens) custom software written in C++/OpenGL, digital video/audio source material An Engine of Many Senses is a generative computational work exploring the history and potential future of the computer. It

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Thecla Schiphorst

Bodymaps: Artifacts of Touch/ Thecla Schiphorst / 1995-1997 / “Bodymaps: Artifacts of Touch Bodymaps: Artifacts of Touch (1995-1997), was the first interactive artwork I created that bridged the tactile aspect of my somatics training with my background in computer design^^ The interaction concept is autobiographical

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Marcos Novak

Liquid Architecture / Marcos Novak/ 1999 / “Liquid architecture is an architecture that breathes, pulses, leaps as one form and lands as another. Liquid architecture is an architecture whose form is contingent on the interest of the beholder; it is an architecture that opens to

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Margarete Jahrmann

Ludic Society / Margarete Jahrmann / 2002 / mission statement for emotionally charged methodology and playful epistemology The ludic society exists to provoke an artistic research discipline best to be addressed as ludic studies The goal is to provide a playful theoretical starting point of

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:(){ :|:& };: ascii forkbomb / Jaromil / 2002 / “Arguably the most elegant forkbomb ever written, has become a secret code of recognition among hackers.“ Prof. Florian Cramer The code :(){ :|:& };: provides arguably one of the most elegant examples of a fork bomb. It

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Donna Cox

Visualization Of An F3 Tornado Within A Supercell Thunderstorm Simulation / Donna Cox / 2004 / “Scientists used pre-storm conditions from an observed F4 tornado in South Dakota in 2003 to initialize a simulation that produces a severe supercell storm that produces a powerful tornado

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Roy Ascott

Roy Ascott / Roy Ascott 1968 This exhibition is rooted in the artistic practice and concepts of University of Plymouth Professor, British artist and ‘visionary pioneer of media art’, Roy Ascott that include cybernetics (systems based art), telematics (the art of telecommunications and informatics) and

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{October 2019} Blast Theory welcome Christiana Kazakou as a new resident: NEW BLAST THEORY RESIDENT: “During her residency, she’ll be developing ‘narrative as research’ methodologies through action, reflection, process, people and form based on Blast Theory’s multi-spatial practice. Taking the role of a ‘social explorer’

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Paola Menzardi

Paola Menzardi is a visiting Ph.D. researcher from Polytechnic of Turin, Italy, where she obtained the master’s degree in Systemic Design e the bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design.    She is carrying out a research at the Department of Architecture and Design in the field

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Silvia Anese

Silvia is a visiting postgraduate student from the University of Bologna. She is researching into the planned obsolescence in the new media and, more specifically, the methods through which New Media Art is preserved. The problem is current and related to the practices of many

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