COST Arts & Technologies (CAT)

COST Arts & Technologies (CAT)

COST Arts & Technologies (CAT) Zagreb, Croatia. 25 – 27/11/13 i-DAT participates in the COST Arts & Technologies (CAT) Workshop with the Planetary Collegium. The rationale behind the COST Arts & Technologies (CAT) workshop is that there are large potential gains in integrating arts

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‘My God, It’s full of stars’. Beyond the Planetarium.

‘My God, It’s full of stars’. Beyond the Planetarium.

4 November 2013: Immersive Vision Theatre, Plymouth University, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL48EE. Synopsis:  The Immersive Vision Theatre, a full dome digital projection environment, is a transdisciplinary instrument for the manifestation of material, immaterial and imaginary worlds through data visualisation and sonification. Registration through: Devon and Cornwall Network.

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QUALIA – a revolution in measuring audience feedback

QUALIA – a revolution in measuring audience feedback

How do you feel about art and culture? You might know, but how can you transmit your feelings to arts and culture organisations accurately? Qualia can help measure your mood after seeing a show, exhibition, installation or movie and is set to revolutionise the way

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Resurgam: The Lost Pearl of Plymouth.

Resurgam: The Lost Pearl of Plymouth.

[Page contents mostly a backup of the original Resurgam: The Lost Pearl of Plymouth website.] 21 September 2013 A new type of adventure. You join the hunt. You take the risks. You become the hero. Resurgam- Pearl of Plymouth (Teaser) from mutant labs. Resurgam is your

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Nanoart: The Immateriality of Art [Presentation]

Nanoart: The Immateriality of Art [Presentation]

Wednesday 16th October, 17.30-18.30pm. J.Craigie Lecture Theatre, Roland Levinsky Building, Plymouth University.   Paul Thomas will be presenting his work and resent publication exploring Nano Art. Examining art that intersects with science and seeks to make visible what cannot ordinarily be seen with the naked eye, Nanoart provides insight

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Workshop for the DLA Conference 2013 6-8 June Bernberg, Germany. Nadia Amoroso, DataAppeal, Andrew Hudson-Smith, University College London, Mike Phillips, Plymouth University, Chris Speed, University of Edinburgh & Katharine Willis, Plymouth University.   Abstract (Latour 2005:242)       The Patch-Scape workshop offers a

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Patch-Scape Workshop

Patch-Scape Workshop

Patch-Scape Workshop for the DLA Conference 2013 6-8 June Bernberg, Germany. The Patch-Scape workshop offers a challenging but playful opportunity for participants to generate spatial, social and environmental data derived from the landscape and manage it’s transposition into a series of representational modes using digital technology. Using the Patch-Scape Digital

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Computational Media & Domestic Environments

Computational Media & Domestic Environments

 A project exhibited in The HYBRID CITY II: Subtle rEvolutions  (part of Stavros Didakis‘ PhD research in i-DAT, Plymouth University, fully funded by Onassis Foundation)   In this project, computational media and sensor technologies are used to measure, analyze, and control aspects of the domestic environment. Reading

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SOURCE [Exhibition].

SOURCE [Exhibition].

Cairo, Egypt. 30 March / 10 April.GEZIRA ART CENTER, CAIRO. Source visualises real-time global data feeds. The projected virtual space allows subtle viewer interactions and responds to twitter feeds and data scrapped from social networks. The data feeds, drawn from many tributaries, are remapped into

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DI-EGY FEST 0.1 [Festival]

DI-EGY FEST 0.1 [Festival]

DI-EGY FEST 0.1: “Technology has profoundly changed the way we connect, work and play in Egypt. Technology can even start a revolution? 27th March to the 10th April 2013. Cairo, Egypt. i-DAT is proud to support DI-EGY FEST 0.1 {}.     We face many

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