Ubiquity, Journal of Pervasive Media. Issue 1.

Ubiquity, Journal of Pervasive Media. Issue 1.

Ubiquity, Journal of Pervasive Media. Issue 1. http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/journals/view-issue,id=2276/ Ubiquity is an international peer reviewed journal for creative and transdisciplinary practitioners interested in technologies, practices and behaviours that have the potential to radically transform human perspectives on the world. ‘Ubiquity’, the ability to be everywhere at the

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Life’s a Game:

Life’s a Game:

14 July 2pm – 4pm i-DAT have been developing a game/performance ‘Life’s a Game’ with Rosetta Life, Acorns Children’s Hospice and the West Bromwich Albion Foundation. Co designed with the Hospice powerchair football team the Unity 3D game is incorporated into the live powerchair performance

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Confluence Exhibition: 7-10 june

Confluence Exhibition: 7-10 june

Confluence Exhibition: 7-10 june At the Appledore Visual Arts Festival, Thursday June 7th to Sunday June 10th St Marys Church Hall 11am – 5.30pm http://confluence-project.org/ Confluence is a ground-breaking digital arts and environment project. Over the last year, a team of artists, Beaford Arts, the

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Was once the closest the inside got to the outside was through the creeping of floral patterns onto the living room wallpaper. Penetrating the membrane of the conservatory wall the landscape data feeds now seep into a different kind of fantasy world. The domestic consumption

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Interpretive visualisation Dr Simon Lock.

Interpretive visualisation Dr Simon Lock.

Monday 23/01/2012: 14.00-16.00. Location – IVT. Combining creative and flexible interpretation of scientific data, with engagement and immersive technologies (Dome and XBox Kinect) for the development of educational applications. i-DAT Research Workshops: The i-DAT Research Workshops build on the heritage of a series of practice

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Bio-OS: A DataLab R&D Showcase

Bio-OS: A DataLab R&D Showcase

16 November 2011 17.30 – 19.00 The Immersive Vision Theatre [http://goo.gl/VVDUM] Plymouth University, Plymouth, Devon, PL48AA. [PDF Invite] [http://www.bio-os.org/projects/] Booking is free, but essential. Please email; baga@plymouth.ac.uk i-DAT is pleased to invite you to the Bio-OS ‘DataLab’ R&D showcase, a demonstration of prototype technologies that

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Dan Efergan

Dan Efergan

Daniel Efergan is currently the Executive Creative Director of Interactive at Aardman Animations. Which means he’s mainly spending time doing fun things like making games, forming playful communities, and messing around in the murky bits between storytelling and interactivity. He has been instrumental in the

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CALL FOR COLLABORATORS The CO-OS community – http://s-os.i-dat.org/ – has commissioned artists from Austria, Brazil, Greece/Spain and UK to develop new work. These artists have just posted their ideas on the CO-OS online platform http://s-os.i-dat.org/. Would you like to collaborate with them in developing their ideas? Until

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Rosetta Life presents Performing Ourselves.

Rosetta Life presents Performing Ourselves.

i-DAT contributes to the Rosetta Life ‘Performing Ourselves’ conference: 29th March 2009, Birmingham Conservatoire. http://www.performingourselves.co.uk/ Image from: I Can’t Draw, Rosie Page: http://www.performingourselves.co.uk/about/i-cant-draw-rosie-page/ Taking risks and pushing boundaries; delivering excellence and professionalism in arts in healthcare and sharing innovation for performance and new media arts

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i-500 Project Launch

i-500 Project Launch

i-500 Project Launch The Premier of Western Australia Colin Barnett has officially opened the new Curtin Resources and Chemistry Precinct and the i-500 Project. The $116 million precinct is the culmination of partnerships between Curtin, BHP Billiton, the Western Australian Government, and the Federal Government.

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