i-500 Launch 13/11/2009

i-500 Launch 13/11/2009

The i-500 Public Art Commission is launched on 13 November 2009. i-500 draws on the Arch-OS experience of developed by i-DAT. The i-500 project is a public art commission for Curtin University’s new Resources and Chemistry Research and Education Buildings. Working in close collaboration with

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i-DAT Research Informed Teaching Reports

i-DAT Research Informed Teaching Reports

Two reports produced by i-DAT following the completion of the Research Informed Teaching projects in April 2009. 1: Development of multi-disciplinary content for the Immersive Vision Theatre: A: Final Report Enquiry-Based Teaching RiT.pdf B: Appendix-A-C.pdf C: AppendixD1-AHO+BARTLETT=i-DAT.pdf D: AppendicD2-OutIn.pdf 2: Development of a Cross-Faculty Centre

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  “In this technoetic culture, the art we produce is not simply a mirror of the world, nor is it an alibi for past events or present intensities. Engaging constructively with the technological environment, it sets creativity in motion, within the frame of indeterminacy, building

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The Syncretic Sense. Roy Ascott.

The Syncretic Sense. Roy Ascott.

The Syncretic Sense Roy Ascott 4 April 24 May 2009 The first UK retrospective exhibition of the pioneering cybernetic artist Roy Ascott, curated in collaboration Paula Orrell at Plymouth Art Centre and i-DAT (Institute for Digital Art and Technology, University of Plymouth). http://www.plymouthartscentre.org/art/future.html Long before

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14.00 – 28/02/09. Part of the Contemporary Music Festival 2009: Music and Evolution – 200 years of Darwin 2:00pm | Jill Craigie Cinema, Roland Levinsky Building. Saturday 28 February 2009. i-DAT Presents ‘Variations’, a digital composition in three forms: A10: “These two months at Plymouth were

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Variations. 14.00 – 28/02/09

Variations. 14.00 – 28/02/09

Part of the Contemporary Music Festival 2009: Music and Evolution – 200 years of Darwin 2:00pm | Jill Craigie Cinema, Roland Levinsky Building. Saturday 28 February 2009. i-DAT Presents ‘Variations’, a digital composition in three forms: A10: “These two months at Plymouth were the most

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Dr Paul Green

Dr Paul Green

Dr Paul Green currently lectures in Media Communications at Cork Institute of Technology in the south of Ireland. Prior to teaching he worked in digital media developing interactive learning tools through a series of EU funded projects. Having originally come from a background in Fine

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Fallout Boys and Cannon Girls

Fallout Boys and Cannon Girls

Fallout Boys and Cannon Girls Workshops for young people aged 13 – 16. Plymouth Arts Center, Saturday’s 27 September, 4 October & 11 October 11am – 4pm. Free Join artist and writer Mark Greenwood, working in association with i-DAT and Plymouth Arts Centre, for three

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Homo Ludens Ludens

Homo Ludens Ludens

20/04/08. i-DAT presents The Play Algorithm – A(n):= [r = 1,2,..N] (B Aga, Katina Hazelden and Mike Phillips) at HOMO LUDENS LUDENS 2008, LABoral, Gijon, Asturias, Spain. The Play Algorithm is an element of Social Operating System (S-OS) (www.s-os.org). LABoral continues its ongoing task of

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Social Operating System:

Social Operating System:

8 February – 6 April. i-DAT, in collaboration with Plymouth Arts Centre, presents: ‘S-OS: a Social Operating System’ for the city of Plymouth. S-OS is a collection of creative interventions and strategic manifestations that provides a new and more meaningful ‘algorithm’ for modeling ‘Social Exchange’

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