FulldomeUK 2014 winners

FulldomeUK 2014 winners

The winners of FulldomeUK 2014 have been announced. FulldomeUK is a festival of fulldome art that we co-founded and that we help to run. This took place late last year, and the winners – the people at the cutting edge of the cutting edge of media

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Immersive Vision Theatre

Immersive Vision Theatre

The  Immersive Vision Theatre (IVT) has been a core transdisciplinary instrument in i-DAT’s research and production for a number of years. We have now rebooted the project thanks to the collaboration with Gaianova (http://gaianova.co.uk/)and the European Mobile Dome Labs (http://emdl.eu/) EU Culture Programme funded research

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Immersive Vision Theatre Reboot!

Immersive Vision Theatre Reboot!

The thing’s hollow – it goes on forever – and – oh my God – it’s full of stars!’ (Clarke 1968) The Immersive Vision Theatre (IVT) gets a reboot thanks to the collaboration with Gaianova (http://gaianova.co.uk/) and the European Mobile Dome Labs (http://emdl.eu/) EU Culture

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Interpretive visualisation Dr Simon Lock.

Interpretive visualisation Dr Simon Lock.

Monday 23/01/2012: 14.00-16.00. Location – IVT. Combining creative and flexible interpretation of scientific data, with engagement and immersive technologies (Dome and XBox Kinect) for the development of educational applications. i-DAT Research Workshops: The i-DAT Research Workshops build on the heritage of a series of practice

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‘A HERMIT’S MOVIE IV: IN TREES’ A performance by Barry Sykes. Friday, 25 November 2011 at 18:00 Immersive Vision Theatre [http://goo.gl/VVDUM], Plymouth University, Plymouth, Devon, PL48AA. Barry Sykes stages an updated version of his ambitious performance lecture written for and about The Immersive Vision Theatre, Plymouth

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Bio-OS: A DataLab R&D Showcase

Bio-OS: A DataLab R&D Showcase

16 November 2011 17.30 – 19.00 The Immersive Vision Theatre [http://goo.gl/VVDUM] Plymouth University, Plymouth, Devon, PL48AA. [PDF Invite] [http://www.bio-os.org/projects/] Booking is free, but essential. Please email; baga@plymouth.ac.uk i-DAT is pleased to invite you to the Bio-OS ‘DataLab’ R&D showcase, a demonstration of prototype technologies that

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Scale Electric… 19 & 20/07/2010

Scale Electric… 19 & 20/07/2010

[Scale Electric PDF] Introduction… The Scale Electric workshop (19 & 20/07/2010) couples the power of the Atomic Force Microscope to touch the infinitesimally small with the potential of the Full Dome environment to immerse participants in visualisations of the incomprehensibly big. Throughout the last Century

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FULLDOME UK 2010 – 10th July Plymouth UK

FULLDOME UK 2010 – 10th July Plymouth UK

Welcome to FULLDOME UK 2010. A celebration of the FullDome experience, we present a day of screenings, presentations, discussions and perhaps some realtime performance. The event takes place at the Immersive Vision Theatre (IVT) based at the University of Plymouth on Saturday 10th July 2010

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Aggregator v1.0 – 27/02/2010

Aggregator v1.0 – 27/02/2010

Aggregator v1.0 builds on a suite of creative ‘tools’ or ‘operating systems’ that dynamically manifest ‘data’ as an abstract and invisible material, forming a mirror image of our world and reflecting, in sharp contrast and high resolution, our biological, ecological and social activities. Aggregator v1.0 generates

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Arch-OS – VILLAGE SCREEN @ The Glastonbury Festival Big Screens Aqeel Akbar, Immersive Media Assistant at the Immersive Vision Theatre was selected to join the team of seven artists working on site at the festival. The dynamic visualisations shown on the screen included the Quartz

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