Xianzhi Wang

Xianzhi Wang is a PhD researcher in i-DAT on the CODEX International Postgraduate Research Network. My research focuses on character design and immersion in video games. Although game design and appearance vary, most successful video games have one important thing in common: the interactivity aspect.

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Shiyuan Liu

Shiyuan Liu is a PhD researcher in i-DAT on the CODEX International Postgraduate Research Network. His background in 3D animation and interactive design, with a MA from the Royal College of Art. He specializes in immersive experiences, narrative and interactive fiction, and audio-visual storytelling. His

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Vivi (Weiwen) Peng

Vivienne (Weiwen) Peng is a PhD researcher in i-DAT on the CODEX International Postgraduate Research Network. Her research aims to revitalise these neglected community spaces through creative artistic engagement and community participation, creating a more sustainable and inclusive model of artistic engagement with these communities,

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Research Sessions 2024-25

i-DAT Research Sessions 2024-25: Backstory: The i-DAT and CODEX Research Workshops build on the heritage of a series of practice-based production workshops, seminars and symposia. Workshop methodologies critically and playfully engage with themes, technologies and behaviours which frame the symptoms of individual and collective practices

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Lynne Wang

Donglin Wang (Lynne) is a PhD researcher in i-DAT on the CODEX International Postgraduate Research Network. Her research focuses on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) through a systematic and in-depth investigation of the current situation regarding the issues surrounding the information asymmetry among specialists, caregivers and parents,

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Grace Qi

Shuo Qi (Grace) is a PhD researcher in i-DAT on the CODEX International Postgraduate Research Network. Her research focuses on the protection and reconstruction of urban historic districts from an architectural and sociological perspective. The significance of historical districts should not to be overlooked, as

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Francie Yan

Yan Feng (Francie) is a PhD researcher with i-DAT at the University of Plymouth. Her research aims to explore a comparative history of dyeing processes across the UK and China, paying particular attention to the social, cultural, mythological, and practical design application of dyeing techniques.

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